Page 15 - Polska_Na_Weekend_2020_skrocona
P. 15

Warmia i Mazury

 Warmia and Mazuria

                           Tysiące lat temu ukształtował je lodowiec, setki lat temu
                          ceglane twierdze stawiali tu Krzyżacy, a dzisiaj w sezonie
                             letnim każdy skrawek lądu i wody zapełniają turyści.

                            Thousands of years ago this land was shaped by a glacier.
                          Mere centuries in the past brick fortresses were built in these
                            lands by the Teutonic Knights. Today, in the high summer
                         season, the landscape and its waterways attracts a multitude
                                                    of visitors and tourists.

 26                   100 B SPA                                                                            27

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